Monday, 15 June 2009


Because I have a memory like one.

Having just re-discovered this blog lurking resentfully in the depths of my bookmark folder, I have decided to resurrect it. How long it will stay thus, I do not know. But goodness knows I have a lot to talk about recently.

How is life? Well, the PGCE (that's Postgraduate Certificate of Education to the uneducated) is nearing the end of its long, arduous efforts to ruin my life, my heart rate, my health and the quantity of hair on my head. The last four weeks (yes, FOUR! WOO!) will be hell. But then, every other week so far has also been hell. So this is not really a change so much as a progression.

I will soon pass into the 'University Tutor's Final Visit' level of hell and then the extent of my stay (will I fail and have to re-sit the placement, or will I pass into the world of Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) with all the scars and twitches thereof) will be revealed. Wish me luck.

Speaking of hell, has anyone tried teaching four different year groups at once? I have year 3 to 6 (ages 7-11, for the confused, foreign or the old). It's a huge age range and the differentiation (I sleep with that word on my lips) is a nightmare.

On the plus side, I am now developing a lovely, Polgara-like streak of silver-white hair on the right side of my head. It's developed from a few hairs (September) to LOTS of hairs. And the other teachers said this year would be the hardest of my life. Bah.


Shall I tell you about my current school? Maybe not. I am still there. So to vent my true feelings would be to fail my final placement completely. Another time maybe.

Instead, I'll tell you about our family's shiny new villa in Orlando. It's in a beautiful (and expensive) area of Florida about 10 minutes drive from Disney, Universal, Florida Mall and all the delights of the sunshine state. I shall be spending about four weeks there this summer with various members of the family, lounging in the private pool, lounging on the leather suite, sleeping on the new, oak-framed beds, eating wonderful food in the beautiful kitchen, shopping in the fabulous Florida Mall and various book shops attached, and trying to stay out of the aforementioned sun.

I deserve it.

Maybe my twitch will come with me.

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